hm actually this photo has no any connection to this post x)
last few days were exam and just so busy on studying
also i was thinking to write blog before exam
and after that didnt and i decided to write after exam
and didnt as well = =
but now write also after exam woah
but the main thing is im going back to malaysia tomorrow!
oh yeah :D
hm last week was the exam week la
and the week before that is SWOT vac which is the study week for students to study at home
hm not bad la the exam
i hope so ><
gone just gone la
waiting for the result
praying haha x)
opps and little Brownie
he is getting better i think
last time we brough him to the vet again for checking if he is healing itself well
and yes he is
he gain lots weight which is good
now we are decreasing his critical care and the painkiller
and i saw him is walking better than before and getting more naughty
he should be allright :)
im going back and dajie them is going back on christmas too
jiejie's friend will look after them during the time we are not at here
will see you xiaohuang xiaohei and maomao later la hehe
okay then
see ya :D
welcome home!!!!girl!~
ReplyDeletewelcome back to M'sia~~~