EKKA, the very big event in Queensland
it is like CHS canteen day, but super super big one
to play, to eat, to see, to win bear bear xD
and held for about 1 week
we went there last saturday
it was many people
three of us walk for about 11 hours from day to night
soooooot tired
but very nice =]
da jia said the last day will have many discount for all the bear
oh i want it ><

sooooo cute the little eeyore with beetle on its nose xD

this one the little.. rabbit?
smile very big
seem very happy

EKKA strawberry ice cream =]
the sun shining , so super hot
i were totally scorched
not night, night is soo cold
soooo cute **
see the rabbit smile so happy xD
you know
the chick poo on my hand
at the night
we watched the motor and car show
so li hai one
lastly, the photo of 4 of us =D
im lazy
photos more than words
haha apologised
writing blog is a hard thing
and it spend lotss time
im tired now already
anyway, more photos at my facebook
很enjoy 哦!!