hello there
im a student from The University or Queensland :D
* is it i couldnt show my student number? right? XD *
i feel so happy to get into the uni even i dont really know the reason that i feel happy
even though the 1 month holiday is finished
this week is the orientation week of UQ
today is my first day going to the campus during the orientation
i had only been to the campus maybe 3 times?
going for the IELTS test and maybe also visit there when dajie was studying there
it is huge, i really afraid to get lost
bring a map, iphone with the map and go to the campus
it is pretty even though many buildings are on rebuild or something
today went to some lecture about what international student things or bachelor of commence thing
actually it is just things about living in australia, visa things, enrolment, choosing courses, time table etc.
and most of us had done this before the orientation
need to choose the courses and choose the class very quickly
because everyone is fast, then i wouldnt choose the time that i want
luckily i got 3 courses class time that i wanted
hope the last course in this semester, i can get the time i wanted as well
classes start next week
im looking forward for that
big smile to welcome the uni life : D